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Lindab Polyester Coated half round Steel Gutter

The Superior Steel Rainwater System (see the Magestic Galvanised Section for plain galvanised gutter and downpipe)

Rainline from Lindab is the steel rainwater system with the lowest CO2 footprint

Lindab Rainline is the rain drainage system that offers the highest quality, with the lowest CO2 footprint of any other system.

Rainline has been developed by professionals to combine durability, flexibility and ease of installation – and with steel’s low lifetime CO2 impact, it promises decades of performance.

A policy of continual research and development has made Rainline steel systems the top choice for countless installers worldwide.

What are the features and benifits of the Lindab Rainline Steel Gutter System?

Lindab’s steel rainwater system has proved itself to be the most environmentally friendly material available, with a natural place in today’s approach to green sustainability.
A study on the life cycle assessment of rainwater products in different materials has compared the environmental impact of products, processes and disposal of seven different materials, covering their entire life cycle from cradle-to-grave. This study covers materials frequently used in rainwater products such as aluminium, zinc, copper, cast iron, galvanised steel and plastic. This life cycle comparison includes the steps taken up until a product leaves the factory gate; extraction of raw materials, production, energy used, including transport, plus disposal, recycling or waste treatment after use. The environmental impact of all seven materials clearly shows that Lindab’s steel, in a product life cycle study, has the lowest carbon footprint of any of its competitors.

The carbon footprint of steel guttering and downpipe.
Lindab’s steel has the lowest carbon footprint of any rainwater system, with up to 30% manufactured from recycled material, which is itself completely recyclable. The case for Lindab’s steel is further proven with its long-life durability. The useful life of a component is of vital importance; the longer the lifetime, the fewer components need to be produced, making the environmental impact even less.
How do I know what size gutter to use?
Lindab Rainline Steel Guttter and Downpipe Installation Guide
15 year warranty : Lindab Rainline products (excluding Magestic) come with a 15 year warranty.

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